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Traveling by bus is a much greener way to travel and can often be a less expensive option. For families conscious of their carbon footprint and looking to save money on their next trip, consider that on select routes, we offer discounted fares for children under 15. Traveling with children is not without its challenges. To help make your travel experience easier, and as stress-free as possible, the folks at Trailways who know what you're in for have put together some helpful information on traveling with children.
Children’s Fares and Rules
Learn more about discounted fares, restrictions, and travel policies for traveling with children.
Children's fares may be available for children aged 2 - 16 depending on carrier, as well as free travel for children under two. For general information, see Fares and Ticketing Rules.
Children under the age of 12 must travel with a passenger 17 years of age or older.
One child who has not reached their 2nd birthday may travel for free but but may be required to sit in the lap of the adult traveler if a seat is needed to accommodate a paying passenger.
Traveling with kids usually means that a car seat and stroller is part of your entourage. We don’t think that a diaper bag, a car seat, or a stroller should cost you an arm and a leg. So, each ticketed passenger may stow either 1 car seat or 1 stroller free of charge.
However, play pens, cribs, pack and plays, wagons, and similar items will count as one of your two complimentary pieces of stowed luggage. Additional luggage may be stowed for a fee.
For additional information about traveling with excess luggage please see Baggage Information.
Children traveling into Canada will need proof of citizenship such as a passport or birth certificate. Those under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. If a child is traveling with only one parent, they need to have a letter from the other parent giving consent for them to cross the border. (There's no official format for this, just a letter with the other parent's name, contact details and signature.)
Children traveling into the United States. will need proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate. Under U.S. law, children under 16 aren't allowed to travel into the U.S. without an adult.
For more information about traveling to or from Canada, please visit International Travel.